Wy sille meidwaan oan CRH2023/HVAC&R

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Wy sille meidwaan oan 'e 34ste Ynternasjonale Refrigeration, Airconditioning, Heating, Ventilation and Food Refrigeration Processing Exhibition ("2023 China Refrigeration Exhibition") te hâlden yn Shanghai New International Expo Center fan 7 oant 9 april 2023.


Refrigeration Exhibition

Tentoanstelling Offisjele websidehttps://www.cr-expo.com/cn/index.aspx

De tentoanstelling wurdt mei-sponsore troch China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Beijing Branch, China Refrigeration Society, China Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association, Shanghai Refrigeration Society, Shanghai Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association, en hosted by Beijing International Exhibition Centre Co. ., LTD.Dizze útstalling hat in totale eksposysje gebiet fan 103500 fjouwerkante meter, W1 - W5, E1 - E4 njoggen paviljoens.

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Us standnûmer is E4E31, wolkom jo besite!

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Post tiid: Mar-23-2023